Yesterday’s Twits

  • @onlineteacher was kidding. I have that many followers almost every day (most R spammers btw) #
  • @dg_4und20 veduftet, was? 🙂 #
  • @dg_4und20 verduftet, was? 🙂 #
  • twitter does weird stuff sometimes. #
  • btw: deleted twits still show up in the rss, e.g. when you blog them w/ loudtwitter #
  • @dg_4und20 mcrib ist besser als das zeug was mcd so fruehstueck nennt 🙂 #
  • @theuer auf meinem m.twitter auch funny #pseudogerman @biz @ev #
  • <- Lotsa foggy foggy dew #
  • @onlineteacher i never doubted your reality 🙂 (u are up late :)) #goodmorningfromeurope #
  • @onlineteacher if u read german u cloud join a discussion at on whether ‘media competence’ shld be taught as a subj. @ #
  • some remarks on the thriving economy of second life (english german mix #
  • @michaelvanlaar ich hab zuletzt ne weltkarte gekriegt, aber sonst: nada. #
  • @paulinepauline zurückfragen: warum, treffen, kaufen, verkaufen whatever 😉 #
  • 9 new twitter followers in less than 12 hrs. let’s see how many are spammers/scriptfollowers #
  • who is @fraufeld ? #
  • who would be subscribing an ‘oliverg_nioisy’ channel that also has bookmarks and hints wheer I commented + shared greader items? #
  • "noisy" of course 😉 #
  • @phogenkamp norwegen ist auch etwas unwegsamer #
  • left @focusonline they du what "die zeit" used to do: feed all atricles at once … #
  • interesting, close to no twitterspammers in the new twitter followers, just asymmertries… #
  • @muhh the web interface is in pseudo-german, too. partly… #
  • will anyone pay the normal fee for @next08 ? 😉 #
  • @thomas_j *g* #
  • moving feeds from jaiku to friendfeed #
  • jaiku does not want me to remove feeeds and produces errors #
  • entering feeds to friendfeed is really smooth #
  • oops, my friedfeed was not public: #
  • incredible: etch-a-sketch artist: and #
  • spokeo seems to be another jaiku/friendfeed, oh well 😉 #
  • wow, friedfeed was smooth, spoeko is… urgs, magic. #
  • aaahhhh incredible, sorry. spokeo goes through your adressbook and adds ALL your contacts to a friendfeedlike thingy. even web 0.8 types. #
  • ookey, one prob with spokeo is that I cannot gibt it other e-mail adreses of mine. #
  • ah but I can import my twitter networks (and others, I suppose) #
  • xing has a new social software grouip every 2 days. would it not make mopre sense to do several forums in one group? #
  • @luebue beter usability? more contacts? better external tool? I keep some stuff on jauku and feed it from there #
  • @luebue I used just to feed 1 masterfeed from jaiku 2 ff, that makes likkte sense as it makes ALL jaiku #
  • @luebue also jaiku suffers from the google effect: now it is just one small thing in the googleverse and stagnates. #
  • @robgreen mir war nicht klar, dass der mit meinem absender einlädt. Aber spokeo ist ziemlich cool, sieh es dir an 😉 musst ja niemand ei … #
  • @tobitobsen it has not as many features as ff but it’s ‘workings’ are far cooler. it detects social activity of your complete adressbook. #
  • @robgreen das sah aus wie ein normaler gmailabgleich. #
  • @robgreen hey you are twittering, what’s up? #
  • @all @having dinner (bread butter, sausage, cheese ) #
  • @thomas_j Ach ja ein Kinderfoto in DER Art hätte ich auch noch. Ggf. auch als Indianetr oder Rinaldo Rinaldini 😉 #
  • son:did you do twitter? me:no he:but it has your pic me: well it’s my twitterpage he:[off2bed] #minidrama #
  • @ebel die startrekvorlesung ist ja der hit 😉 #
  • @techcrunch better than twhirl and supporting several twitteraccounts? #
  • @ebel ich kann und nutze nur a ) Q’apla! und b) (lautschrfitlig) Tach pa, Tach pä. (2 B or not 2 b) #klingon #thlinganHol #
  • does mysocial 24×7 let me twitter anyithing? or can I just ‘share’ a line on ff? #
  • @techcrunch thanks (well downloaded it anyways 😉 I hope they gonna debug twhirl soon. both eat 60 MB ram btw. #
  • T-Shirts zum Muttertag (pro und anti ) #
  • Tired. Will Austraila and Japan please take over the Twittersphere? (OK, in 3 hrs or so.) Thanks 😉 #
  • @alegrya nice twitter presentation (slideshare) #
Twitblogging via LoudTwitter

Yesterday’s Twits

  • Todays plan: prepare a corporate blogging workshop. good morning, Twitterland. #
  • Stop Twitter Spam » Let’s keep Twitter spam free! #twittit #
  • @kmto was ist ‘Fast Good’? #
  • Enterprise 3.D (Podcast, german): #
  • uploading the web3.d thing to my own podcastfeed #
  • Why would someone want to sponsor a Barcamp and NOT be interested to go there if it is in the same town? #riddlesofexistence #
  • @scobleizer if no one was at twitter, what would ppl react to on friendfeed 😉 jaiku updates? 😉 (but in general you are right 😉 ) #
  • @scobleizer I must have missed that part. I am also wondering if friendfeed is just a jaiku w/ better marketing 😉 #
  • @scoblizer sorry for insisting on the european perspective , IIRC jaiku is alsot as old as twitter if not older. #
  • @gigold well, I also count the barcamp sponsors as participants. some contribute work, some knowledge, some cash, some drinks. #
  • @gigold barcamps are also a little like sex: you have to do it to understand it. Had a sponsor who said: what do I get. what is it actually? #
  • @scobleizer I just wonder what happens if google presses the PR button for jaiku. Or buy ff and twitter and seesmic or … #
  • @scobleizer btw. ff via twhirl seems broken dies alert thingy work better? (both eat 60 MB RAM) #
  • @scobleizer well I am ‘feeding’ 3 different twitter accounts (personal, barcamp lake constance, stuttgart (regional) -> client useful #
  • @scobleizer BTW: are you in europe or just up late? must be past midnite 😉 #
  • joining in with the kids photos meme on twitter #
  • na sowas: #
  • @buchkolumne als pfadfinder sagt man da: ‘be prepared’ (ab jetzt geht es abwärts 😉 ) #
  • #ichfragjanichtfürmich : kommt yu-gi-oh überhaupt grade im TV? #
  • @mooose komm, hosen runter, kinderbild raus 😉 #
  • @etorsten laut ygo heft 1545, aber im Programmheft steht nix. #
  • @preisbock das was ihr da macht nennet man twitterspam, unschön, asymmetrisch #
  • @kosmar d’ #
  • d-ste mir mal bittebitte deine fonnummer? #barcamp #
  • argh @kosmar d-ste mir mal bittebitte deine fonnummer? #barcamp #
  • having a twitter conversation with @scobleizer got me 9 new twitter followers 😉 #
  • @furukama ich könnte mir denken meine ist älter ca 1972/1973 😉 #
  • note to self: the cheapest paper jams the printer #
  • @mpo heee 😉 #
  • cool, mail from mumbai, and they wanna buy 😉 #
  • @medienblogger worauf genau beziehst du dich? #
  • @thermanuel nur ne anfrage, aber witzig, mit dem namen gibt es 15 leute via sykpe in Mumbai. #
  • @igorschwarzmann oh well humor is difficult. of the 9 4 were spammers 😉 #
  • @igorschwarzmann @dotdean well if you feel you have to act this way to a joke. welcome to the humor-free zone. #
  • @themanuel ich hatte einen runtergeladen kürzlich, noch nicht gehört, busy, müde, irritietr von… jetzt hätte ich fast was böses gesagt. #
  • @etorsten im magazin stand 15:45 aber es war 16:05, stand aber seltsamerweise nicht im Programm. Grausames Zeug #yugioh #
  • @themanuel nicht verstanden. nein der mensch in mumbai, dessen name gibt es x mal bei skype. #
Twitblogging via LoudTwitter

Yesterday’s Twits

  • let’s go walking #spring #intheair #
  • live photoblogging from my morning walking tour #
  • @josefine komm gassi #
  • @webstyler praesinile bettflucht, bitte 🙂 #
  • @josefine brieftraegerstreik ist tierquaelerei, jawoll #bildheadline #
  • what about doing a @fakeBILDheadline? #
  • twitter is not only a super business tool, it is even great for inter-species commmunication re: @josefine #worldpeace #anotherstep #
  • @webstyler ma muss sich die welt positiv zuechtelegen, nix anderes hilft 🙂 #
  • @horax das hab ich hier l:71665 ja fast schon jetzt 🙂 #15grad #
  • suroprise: ppl who can read/write send more e-mail #
  • Sprechstunde beim Schreibdoktor (dichten, journalisieren, bloggen): #
  • @webstyler erwähn es nicht, ich muss noch 18 minuten warten bis zum lunch #
  • using xing to ger more student and international visitors @barcampbodensee #
  • Still No Invite to FFFFOUND? Try We Heart It Instead – ReadWriteWeb #twittit #

  • is this only my impression or does seem to ransform into a blog for politics (and audio culture) #
  • @webstlyer @having Spiralnudeln mit tomatensauce, individuell verfeinert zu arrabita #nixfuerkinder #
  • @danielahinrichs well it’s not a matter of dates but one of cognitive issues. if you wanna call U have my phone number 😉 #
  • web 3.d in the enterprise (germany) POdcast, xing #
  • ok guys, europe goes to sleep now 😉 #
Twitblogging via LoudTwitter

Yesterday’s Twits
Twitblogging via LoudTwitter


I just started tagging twitterspammers.


In general I think the net is something that does not connect computers but people, persons, individuals.

It is a world of ends.

This is also the basis of netiquette.

Netiquette takes care of several points

– be polite

– respect others

– don’t send stuff other people do not want to see (noise)

– send stuff in a way that makes sense

Twitter is powerful tool to communicate with people.

Some people use it in a way that I find abusive:

They follow masses of people (usually 1000+, sometimes as many as 5.000 or I think I have seen 15.000 or even 50.000) in the hope that some of those follow them back. Then they spread their messages (or just provoke clicks to their page URL) and URLs to the networks of those who follow them.

I consider this ‘noise’ in an otherwise useful channel.

I find twitter extremely useful. I helped people in Twitter, I was helped, I got freelance jobs through twitter even. People who abuse it spoil this channel and I am not content with another ‘social channel’ being spammed.

Usenet was spammed, e-mail was spammed, Blogs and wikis are spammed and now Twitter.

I keep hearing from peple who are irritated at the persons following them. Not because they don’t know them but because their profiles are weird: They follow many and are followed by few.

Communication on the net is best, when it is as symmetrical as possible. Following 1000+ people that you know nothing about, amkes little sense. (OK, Robert Scoble follows all who follows him and seems to be a speed reader, this is great.)

Actually I tag twitterspammers because this is the only way to give them a second chance: I can check later if they provide useful information – then I can still follow them.

I am also working with someone to provide tools to filter twitterspammers from your already big reservoir of followed people.

And I am interested to hear your thoughts on the matter, of course.

Update: Minor typo fixed, and: soil -> spoil,

Yesterday’s Twits

  • if facebook is advertising w/ our names. just thinking: what happens if we all klick our names in the ads like hell? 😉 #
  • @michaelbielitza ich wär jetzt da 😉 -> skype? #
  • if we watch scifi we learn about the future, no joke.,1206,l=226395&pg=0&s=25301&a=226388,00.asp #
  • @shava was war in Pforzheim? Comicings irgendwas? #mistverpasst #
  • spam phone from idiots #
  • @pickihh blogkommentar wo? #
  • @shava gibt es keine tauglichen comicläden in stuttgart? Heinzeldings? Bazar von Tauf? #
Twitblogging via LoudTwitter

Yesterday’s Twits

  • Very slowly I feel like i should start bookmarking the twitter pages of twitterspammers at delicous, like using: ‘twitterspammer’ as a tag #
  • @saschalobo me too. und ich kenn noch ne bloggerin, bei der das so war. auch nicht die twitter-addi. #
  • @tristessedeluxe nö jemand anders, der mir followte. fiel mir halt auf. #
  • suuuuuper, the search function of my browser does not work when editing a mixxt-wiki @mixxt_de #
  • @cervus is this your own project? I also started one with @mooose that should include all sorts o’ tools #
  • my daily twitter aggregation posting moved to my ‘english’ blog: #
  • @oliver_wwb you have mail 😉 #
  • removed 2 more spammers, ignored 1 more follower #gettingeven #
  • @cervus sounds intersting, I am curretly tzinking abzut distributed systems/aggregation, let evreyone have a share (of $) etc. #
  • need to kick techcrunch or readwriteweb from my daily reading. which should i kick? #
  • @kuddelig too much to read on ‘daily’, no time for friend’s blogs #
Twitblogging via LoudTwitter

Yesterday’s Twits

  • learning of the day: germans do not anmswer you on #friendfeed comments #
  • where on friendfeed do I see who is subscribing to me? #
  • »Für Meinungsfreiheit« – Autorenverbände wollen sich von Verlagsgruppe nicht einschüchtern lassen #
  • gibt es von david allen kein deutschsprachiges hörbuch? ich dachte … #
  • what is this? a new translation or tref=he collection of essays? #
  • @ginader thanks 😉 #
  • @danielahinrichs I told R. to talk to you but he said he needed an OK by L. first. Maybe better you contact him and check 😉 #
  • @tobitobsen in relation to what? 😉 xing? #
  • if would be great if wopuld show whether is subbed to that erson ;( #friendfeed #
  • in sind rechtlöiche Konsequenzen des artikels erwähnt. ??? #
  • Hey, twitter is really cool for business communication 😉 #
  • why does o2 show me premiums that I do not have the credits for? silly. #
  • @kmto ruf mich dann an :=) #
  • @tobitobsen ahh, das hatte doch eh robert gebloggt #
  • während dei amis pennen kann ich auch "doitsh" twittern #
  • typ an der sprechanlage: ‘ich bin con der tele*om, wir besuchen unsere bestandskunden’ WTF. #
  • @kmto manchmal arbeite ich und gucke nicht auf twitter, surprise 😉 #
  • @kmtp retwittere es doch um 1620 selbst 😉 #
  • yahoop goes analytics #
  • what is the xmp/rpc endpoint url to post to a blog I have at #
  • qtonzylstra @bloggingtomm : thanks #
  • @ all: ok, my daily twitter updates will now appear in and not in my home blog 😉 #
  • Wow, a new ooVoo contact, how strange 😉 #
  • as both alerthingy and twhirl use up 60 MB I now iuse twhirl for checking friendfeeds #
  • @phogenkamp wenn du dich beeilst gibt es noch was bei notschlachtung 😉 #keulprämie #
  • @mr94 @furukama with the new version 😉 #techcrunchlesenbildet #
  • @meyouar well it starts when the computer starts but I have very few contacts there #ooVoo never did video yet. 1 chat… #
  • finished reading ‘spook country’ #williamgibson cool plot wheer you only learn on the last 100 pages what everything is about. #
  • @paulinepauline ach, jetzt erst? ich habe längt einen _bacon ordner dafür (bacon = erwünschter spam 😉 ) #
  • this is not the way, guys … #
  • heeeey, … @twitterposter counts ca. 450 less followers than I have. #
  • @allesroger über das wortspiel gabs mal ne folge von ‘der spatz vom wallraffplatz’ #antike #tv #
  • bridging the generation gap (cf.comments) #
  • my weblin is haning out on chat with me, YOU! #
  • some ideas on web3.d in the enterprise (german) #
  • hey mixxt, PLEASE start to remember my cookie for 14 days THANK YOU @mixxt_de #
  • if you cannot come: please remove your name from the participant list at THANKS 😉 #
  • Artikel über das #barcampbodensee @barcampbodensee #
  • what is your best tip for business-networking on Xing (or LinkedIn or …) URLs welcome 😉 #
  • Ah, die Antviller kommen auf twitter an 😉 #
Twitblogging via LoudTwitter