das lob des Spätaufstehens.
Einige der Tipps katte ich, kaum einen davon nutze ich. sollte ich wohl – oliverg
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Some remarkable if obvious remarks on the mechanisms at friendfeed by Robert Scoble.
Really some great hints to picking your avatar. at liset 1/3 of the ppl I see voilate them ;). If you'd like a word on ym avatar strategy: Drop me a line in the comments and I will write a post ;). – OliverG
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LIke me Andrea has drafted a Twitter POlicy. Unlike him I feel unable to check all new followers. (I also follow too many back and many are still spammers and unfollow again.)
How to lower action abrriers (specially in the morning 😉 )
Same, I’m definitely paying more attention to who I follow..
BTW Coming to Next09 in Hamburg?
Don’t have a confoirmation for a blogger ticket yet. And now I have a conflicting date that I might move, but … Next dates are barcamp Dornbirn (this will be nice and cozy near Lake Constance, and Barcamp Furtwangen (FuCamp) in the Black Forest 😉
Ok, I hope to see you around! 🙂
Funny, I got alters for these comments 21 hrs ago 😉