Stress-free productivity in eventful times with GTD

Taking over the ‘flame’ from my colleague Steven Käser here some of my insights about ‘working in the SARS2-Context:

  • For some reason I feel strangely motivated and focussed (although I am asthmatic like my other colleague Karl Ivar Refseth)
  • I had events organized and workshops. Mid-March had a GTD-Seminar, beginning of April had a full day XING-Seminar on a REALLY beautiful island in lake Constance, and I was about to organize the last steps a Barcamp for end of April. And some other minor networking events.
  • The GTD-Seminar is virtualized and will start today at 15:00, the XING-Seminar happens as 2 webinars on the same day and people get a small 1:1-coaching on top for the hassle (and I have not given up on the location) the Barcamp is about to be virtualized too and I already found a tool and people who help. The Networking events will also be switched or better transformed to virtual. (Starting tomorrow.)

Now why would I brag so much? Not to brag (cause a lot of other stuff was also managed, like reorganizing the office for better video calls). No, but because it taught me a lot about how “Getting Things Done”(tm) helps you to focus in stressful or better eventful times. It helps you o identify the world you want to have and shows you the step-by-step path to that world.

Yes, it felt as if I had more to do than ever, but the fact that all parts of the ‘machine’ were moving (and in the right direction).

What are some learnings regarding GTD?

  • Prioritizing of projects tasks and waitings becomes easier than ever because some items (Waiting for quote by Eugen’s Bistro regarding burgers for the Barcamp) can either be moved to a new context “After Corona” or to “Incubate” to a date where “I might have more information” (I am using May15th, today is April 1st). This might depend on whether you want to change your system or if you want to use it “as is”.
  • Doing a “Mindsweep” specialized for current requirements maybe even compartmentalized for certain aspects will be very helpful. E.g. Mindsweep- Virtual Seminars, Mindsweep Virtual Coachings , Mindsweep – New Topics for Virtual Offerings, Mindsweep – Formats for Virtual Networking Events, Mindsweep – Corona Prevention Family, Mindsweep – “How can I help the community” etc.

Now why should you look at GTD in these times.

Yesterday I read a statement by someone that about 70% of all people were busy managing the current chaos and only 30% were planning for the future. and that this ratio was currently switching. Also while some people are “frozen” and cannot do anything and others busier than ever: everybody will be VERY busy (or bankrupt and busy for other reaasons) ‘after Corona’.

GTD can help you

  • to “unfreeze” if you are frozen new (via the Mindsweeps or other creativity methods)
  • to get the current chaos under control
  • to be optimally prepared when the ‘post Corona wave’ hits

Let’s talk. =>

Now thanks to Monika Danner ? for initiating this and over to my trainer collegaue

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