links for 2009-08-31 Wenn Unternehmen twittern | TRENDOPFER Erstklassige 'Firmen & Social Media' Satire. (tags: twitter humor ***** how2) IPO on Nasdaq – How to raise Billions of Dollars – a Case Study | Spirofrog Blog (tags: icommented) Being Peter Kim: A List of Social Media Marketing Examples Mehr Beispiele für Social Media Marketing (tags: soaicl web media examples marketing cases) The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan 22 Social media Tools mit Beisielen im Fiirmeneinsatz (tags: social media web marketing ****) Twitter Tools for Community and Communications Professionals | Brian Solis: Social Media Expert – PR 2.0 (tags: twitter tools 2use vortrag) Where’s the gang of 2,000 who controls tech hype hanging out today? (tags: icommented) Real time comments will piss off pro bloggers (at first) (tags: icommented)
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