- Todays plan: prepare a corporate blogging workshop. good morning, Twitterland. #
- Stop Twitter Spam » Let’s keep Twitter spam free! tinyurl.com/53wq4q #twittit #
- @kmto was ist ‘Fast Good’? #
- Enterprise 3.D (Podcast, german): tinyurl.com/6xd256 #
- uploading the web3.d thing to my own podcastfeed #
- Why would someone want to sponsor a Barcamp and NOT be interested to go there if it is in the same town? #riddlesofexistence #
- @scobleizer if no one was at twitter, what would ppl react to on friendfeed 😉 jaiku updates? 😉 (but in general you are right 😉 ) #
- @scobleizer I must have missed that part. I am also wondering if friendfeed is just a jaiku w/ better marketing 😉 #
- @scoblizer sorry for insisting on the european perspective , IIRC jaiku is alsot as old as twitter if not older. #
- @gigold well, I also count the barcamp sponsors as participants. some contribute work, some knowledge, some cash, some drinks. #
- @gigold barcamps are also a little like sex: you have to do it to understand it. Had a sponsor who said: what do I get. what is it actually? #
- @scobleizer I just wonder what happens if google presses the PR button for jaiku. Or buy ff and twitter and seesmic or … #
- @scobleizer btw. ff via twhirl seems broken dies alert thingy work better? (both eat 60 MB RAM) #
- @scobleizer well I am ‘feeding’ 3 different twitter accounts (personal, barcamp lake constance, stuttgart (regional) -> client useful #
- @scobleizer BTW: are you in europe or just up late? must be past midnite 😉 #
- joining in with the kids photos meme on twitter twitter.com/oliverg #
- na sowas: www.fernsehen.de/ #
- @buchkolumne als pfadfinder sagt man da: ‘be prepared’ (ab jetzt geht es abwärts 😉 ) #
- #ichfragjanichtfürmich : kommt yu-gi-oh überhaupt grade im TV? #
- @mooose komm, hosen runter, kinderbild raus 😉 #
- @etorsten laut ygo heft 1545, aber im Programmheft steht nix. #
- @preisbock das was ihr da macht nennet man twitterspam, unschön, asymmetrisch #
- @kosmar d’ #
- d-ste mir mal bittebitte deine fonnummer? #barcamp #
- argh @kosmar d-ste mir mal bittebitte deine fonnummer? #barcamp #
- having a twitter conversation with @scobleizer got me 9 new twitter followers 😉 #
- @furukama ich könnte mir denken meine ist älter ca 1972/1973 😉 #
- note to self: the cheapest paper jams the printer #
- @mpo heee 😉 #
- cool, mail from mumbai, and they wanna buy 😉 #
- @medienblogger worauf genau beziehst du dich? #
- @thermanuel nur ne anfrage, aber witzig, mit dem namen gibt es 15 leute via sykpe in Mumbai. #
- @igorschwarzmann oh well humor is difficult. of the 9 4 were spammers 😉 #
- @igorschwarzmann @dotdean well if you feel you have to act this way to a joke. welcome to the humor-free zone. #
- @themanuel ich hatte einen runtergeladen kürzlich, noch nicht gehört, busy, müde, irritietr von… jetzt hätte ich fast was böses gesagt. #
- @etorsten im magazin stand 15:45 aber es war 16:05, stand aber seltsamerweise nicht im Programm. Grausames Zeug #yugioh #
- @themanuel nicht verstanden. nein der mensch in mumbai, dessen name gibt es x mal bei skype. #
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