- learning of the day: germans do not anmswer you on #friendfeed comments friendfeed.com/oliverg/comments #
- where on friendfeed do I see who is subscribing to me? #
- »Für Meinungsfreiheit« – Autorenverbände wollen sich von Verlagsgruppe nicht einschüchtern lassen tinyurl.com/6s845d #
- gibt es von david allen kein deutschsprachiges hörbuch? ich dachte … #
- what is this? a new translation or tref=he collection of essays? tinyurl.com/5wybye #
- @ginader thanks 😉 #
- @danielahinrichs I told R. to talk to you but he said he needed an OK by L. first. Maybe better you contact him and check 😉 #
- @tobitobsen in relation to what? 😉 xing? #
- if would be great if friendfeed.com/settings/subscribers wopuld show whether is subbed to that erson ;( #friendfeed #
- in tinyurl.com/4g2nul sind rechtlöiche Konsequenzen des artikels erwähnt. ??? #
- Hey, twitter is really cool for business communication 😉 #
- why does o2 show me premiums that I do not have the credits for? silly. #
- @kmto ruf mich dann an :=) #
- @tobitobsen ahh, das hatte doch eh robert gebloggt #
- während dei amis pennen kann ich auch "doitsh" twittern #
- typ an der sprechanlage: ‘ich bin con der tele*om, wir besuchen unsere bestandskunden’ WTF. #
- @kmto manchmal arbeite ich und gucke nicht auf twitter, surprise 😉 #
- @kmtp retwittere es doch um 1620 selbst 😉 #
- yahoop goes analytics tinyurl.com/3jktwp #
- what is the xmp/rpc endpoint url to post to a blog I have at wordpress.com? #
- qtonzylstra @bloggingtomm : thanks #
- @ all: ok, my daily twitter updates will now appear in oliverg.wordpress.com and not in my home blog 😉 #
- Wow, a new ooVoo contact, how strange 😉 #
- as both alerthingy and twhirl use up 60 MB I now iuse twhirl for checking friendfeeds #
- @phogenkamp wenn du dich beeilst gibt es noch was bei notschlachtung 😉 #keulprämie #
- @mr94 @furukama with the new version 😉 #techcrunchlesenbildet #
- @meyouar well it starts when the computer starts but I have very few contacts there #ooVoo never did video yet. 1 chat… #
- finished reading ‘spook country’ #williamgibson cool plot wheer you only learn on the last 100 pages what everything is about. #
- @paulinepauline ach, jetzt erst? ich habe längt einen _bacon ordner dafür (bacon = erwünschter spam 😉 ) #
- this is not the way, guys … twitter.com/PREISBOCK/statuses/791010381 #
- heeeey, … @twitterposter counts ca. 450 less followers than I have. #
- @allesroger über das wortspiel gabs mal ne folge von ‘der spatz vom wallraffplatz’ #antike #tv #
- bridging the generation gap tinyurl.com/56dn5c (cf.comments) #
- my weblin is haning out on blog.oliver-gassner.de/ chat with me, YOU! #
- some ideas on web3.d in the enterprise (german) tinyurl.com/557z5o #
- hey mixxt, PLEASE start to remember my cookie for 14 days THANK YOU @mixxt_de #
- if you cannot come: please remove your name from the participant list at barcampbodensee.mixxt.eu THANKS 😉 #
- Artikel über das #barcampbodensee tinyurl.com/58vfmf @barcampbodensee #
- what is your best tip for business-networking on Xing (or LinkedIn or …) URLs welcome 😉 #
- Ah, die Antviller kommen auf twitter an 😉 #
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