- twitpic.com/nh0 <- Blueten – Walking am Morgen #
- @mooose happy birthday 😉 #
- @mathias20 nope 😉 aber jetzt… #
- Habe ich follower aus Überlingen oder Umgebung? Bidde melden 😉 #
- @themanuel ich hab es nicht ausprobiert #gtdagenda #gtd #
- @imbild ahhhh 🙂 (man sollte twitternamen auf dei stirn tätowieren 😉 ) #
- who wants to have my old twitter-avatar back? #
- @danielahinrichs sure 😉 #
- @danielahinrichs done 😉 #
- @allesroger überlingen hat sich schon erledigt, terminkonflikt mit @barcampbodensee #
- I wish someone would more often try to buy yahoo. makes yahoo innovate. #
- @flominator die sollen ihn zu uns verlegen 😉 #wikipedia #
- @wildhunt welcome to twitter (so late?) (wildhunt is a usenet veteran 😉 ) #
- @felicea die juristin sagt ja das selbe wie ich vor 3 jahren 😉 Oder so. #berufverfehlt #
- those guys are sued by apple, I think twitter should sue them too 😉 www.nyc.gov/html/planyc2030/html/greenyc/greenyc.shtml #
- @lyssaslounge my only chance is: sports in the mornings. And I do know guys who come home at 2300 and sit on their spinning bike. incredble. #
- @lyssaslounge and as I do just walking and no running I can even check twitter on my smartphone & moblog while I do sports 😉 #geek #
- discussion with a twitterspammer: tinyurl.com/2dltvk/2892-links-for-2008-04-26.html #
- if 1/3rd of my blog visitors does not show a referre they come from e-mail, offline rss readers and bookmarks, right? #
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