Yesterday’s Twits

  • xing says my bsusiness is somewhere in africa, but I entered my adress correctly. @danielahinrichs #
  • @eckes das fiel mir danmn heute beim aufwachen ein, dass es das wohl war, war trotzdem walken ;= ) 😉 #
  • @genista how was "commie macbeth" with Jean-Luc Picard? #shaespeare #startrek #litgeeking #
  • what if educators published THEIR evaluations of their students/pupils? #
  • anyone got some hints on ‘tagging best practice’? #
  • @arimue ich seh das eher als RTLII-Schmuddel-Faktor, Lehrerebewertung z.B. ist was nicht triviales. #
  • @larshinrichs it works now, thanks for the ceo-support 😉 #
  • have not checked the way the cut it, but here is another interview w/ me (german) #
  • @cemb gute besserung gruss vom #webmontag #stuttgart #
  • @IMBild oops sorry twhirl was off during liveblogging #
Twitblogging via LoudTwitter

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