Daily Twitter Digest 18.08.2012

  • 18:42 Bookmarked: allfacebook.de | In wenigen Klicks eine Infografik für die eigene Facebook Page erstellen: nettes Gr… t.co/56fn6VBw #
  • 10:15 Frapen kann gefährlich sein: Lexikon:

    (lächkerliche) Änderungen im profil eines anderen Facebooknutzers… t.co/nHBgecI1 #

  • 09:52 Solidarnosc! (oder so 😉 ) t.co/oH6Jeskf #
  • 09:51 Männer stehen zu ihrem Wort. t.co/9y4RhPxD #
  • 09:47 @peter_berlich The investors are still mad about the money they lost when they bought Facebook stock 😉 #
  • 14:32 90% of my followers are OK, finde 😉 t.co/oakj65DN #
  • 14:26 1% of my followers are fake. How many fake followers do you have..? t.co/LiJk5No7 @StatusPeople FollowerSpam #
  • 13:50 @peter_berlich a) @facebook is happy, they have the cash, the seller of the stock might be out of customers though. #
  • 15:36 @Raejk8ki4c if you do not comment further I do noit intend to cklick that link 😉 (and if you do not react to this I will report spam 😉 ) #
  • 14:57 Car phone? Must be an older text 😉 (Watch 11 ;)) t.co/UlH6QOvE #
  • 14:54 Bookmarked: Status People Fake Follower Check ? Social Media Management Platform for Business: 90% meiner Twitte… t.co/aISTGMBy #

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