Yesterday’s Twits

  • finished reading ‘wir nennen es arbeit’ yesterdy in bed, dreamed a viral spot on @saschalobo s new book tonite. 2.0 all the way. #
  • @biz thanks. 🙂 that happens when a science experiment goes big screen, right? #twitter #followers #problem #
  • listened to a ‘daily sourcecode yesterday’ after a long time. curry seems to have gone the ‘black helicopter path’. #
  • @rhutter re: typ 8 wahrscheinlich reserviert und opfer eines sadisten bei der sbb? #
  • @rhutter hm if the blocked ones are deleted they can spam U again, right? cc: @cem #
  • @brainblogger happy birthday #
  • @rhutter mir uebrigens auch nicht. idee: t-shirt "laute handygespraeche blogge ich live" #
  • @crummel typischer fall von "urlaubsreif" #
  • @jkleske warum nicht gleich ‘Juenger?’ #wennschondennschon (ne christian ‘skin’ machen?) #
  • @rhutter puh no idea if i tagged it -> try tag mapping @oliverg, delicious. but you could brightkite that stuff 🙂 #
  • @rhutter "WARNING. BLOGHAZARD. Whatever I hear will be on the big evil Internet within the minute." #
  • @katti you are not alone, read the twits of the last hour and the statement by @biz #
  • twitter premium account: non premiums lose 10/ of their followers each week (keeps the failwhale at bay) #jus’kiddin’ #
  • family asleep.I guess I really have to get up some work done. #ferien — ah. kid noises… #
  • @mettys ehm, you contacted me at wkw. got 3 new contact reqests. what is happening there? #
  • thanks to twitter for proactively fighting spam. this, and notthe whale, is your real problem. #
  • the link on twitter and spam was #
  • if the no. of ppl you are followING went down those might have blocked you 🙂 #
  • my follower count is down from 1442 to 674 and now up to 1305 again. seems the spam filters where a tad too efficient at one point 😉 #
  • @philippgrunwald Memory leaks auf ff 3.0? I thought that one had none? PLugins? #
  • @MettyS nobody from my 1.0 world seems to have discovered (me on) wkw. But I am near stuttgart, so … #
  • @GBot well, if you read their blog they seem to be working on bliocking spammers and many twitter users report missing followers today. #
  • is anyone using ? experiences? #
  • @podpimp #markendreiklang ah das wollte ich dich imemr schon fragen 😉 (und ob die GTD-Folge… ehm …) #
  • @podpimp incredible. please drop me a line if it is online, i’ll podpimp it like hell 🙂 #
  • @paulinepauline kannste ihm schon mal direkt ne msg senden 🙂 #chef #twitter #
  • @kojote es ist die grosse schwester 🙂 #
  • is there a normal twitter mobile page where I can read my d-msgs? just a normal browser (blazer on treo) #
  • @dondahlmann ach egal,hauptsach er sagt ‘ich bin ein twitterer’ (oberholzer?) #
  • ok leute, wer kommt noch morgen zum bloggertreffen stuttgart-karlsruhe (schoen in der mitte) #
  • and which mobile twitter page remembers my cookie? brightkite does, so could twitstat 🙁 (html only…) #
  • @beate so in ner stunde mal telefonieren? #musserstheim #
  • @Sybo #
  • @m4gic #
  • @bebal das ist zu ‘dick’ für n mobile 😉 #
  • @paulinepauline #direktmessages diese äääähnlichkeit 😉 #
  • @Sybo vollkommen überrachsenderweise fahren leute von stuttgart aus mit dem auto z.B: @jodeleit oder du bringst jemand mit der auto hat #
  • @Sybo nee mannheim-vaihingen/enz, hier pennen und am nexten tag gemütlich zurück, es gibt züge ohne halt zwiscen Ma. und Vaihingen 😉 #
  • @Sybo uhrzeit müssen wir haklt wissen (nicht zu nahe an 2000, und katzenkllergie sollteste keine haben 😉 #
  • any videos of the obama speech online? #
  • @Sybo yep, do that 😉 #
  • @xfire74 thanks, even reading it is moving. I really hope this guy makes it… #
  • @xfire74 hm plugin holperer, naja morgen ist siue sicher auf youtube #
  • @Mickeleh i’ll check thanks, right now I am ponndering if I can become an american in time for the election 😉 #
  • Hey Americans, if you don’t elect Obama, can we have him for Chancellor in 2009? #
  • msnbc has first class #obama (thanks 😉 ) #
  • @ckieff I heard that kinda stuff befire the election in in 1988, that was when Bush Dad won, right? #
  • @ckieff but don’t disappoint us AGAIN, ok? 😉 #
  • ok, off to bed. good night. china, rise and shine and take the twitter staff. #
Twitblogging via LoudTwitter

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